This is the first Dev Diary for my new project currently titled "Project BSU", and is also the first post on this blog. The blog is intended to be a display and personal portfolio on every step of the way though project BSU and other future projects.
So first off, whats project BSU?
Project BSU is the temporary name for currently still in design phase unity project currently me and Paul Marsh ( are currently doing. Right now we have settled down on a basic concept for the design:
- 3D Puzzle platformer with emphasis around destruction.
- Clear the path ahead by switching to "bomber" view and send down the available arsenal at your disposal.
- Enemy installations (and enemies as well) are in-front and block your desired destination, you must use your bombs to destroy those installations and make your enemies disappear team rocket style.
- 2.5D camera view for platforming, Birds Eye view for Bombing.
- Start each level with a set amount of bombs at your disposal you must clear the path with the set given amount.
- Destroying enemy installations is one part, you must first move your pc (player character) to be in range of targets, then you must trek over the destroyed buildings to your destination.
- Levels will be small, and player movement slow to focus on tricky jumps that can be produced from the destruction you caused.
- Small Level design, consisting of 3 areas, intro area, enemy "main" installation area and finish goal area.
- Optional goals would be to clear the installation as efficient as possible. This will contribute to a grade at the end to prompt replay value for each level.
Well that's basically what I have right now, its basic there is alot more but decided to stop there and keep it short and simple. But that's basically what we are going to hopefully create. I will have a video of the initial prototype up showing the most basic of game play for comparisons to future versions.
concept art I made:
The reasons for needing a artist
concept art I made:
The reasons for needing a artist
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